miércoles, 25 de enero de 2012

Mme Hania Usman

Salut monsieur

Je suis madame usman l epouse de feu hassa usman. Mon mari a ete tue dans sa voiture par les combatants de l ex president Laurent Gbagbo quand il revenait de son bureau. Il était le directeur general d une societe de cacao en cote d ivoire. Avant sa mort il avait laisse une somme de 6,5 millions d euros dans une compagnie de securite basee en Republique du Benin. De ce fait je desire investir dans votre pays. J ai eu l occasion de visite votre pays par le passe. De ce fait je solicite votre aide pour m accompagner a etablir la dite structure,je vous donnerais 15% du montant de la somme sus cite si vous accepter de aider.jai vous remerci de votre compréhension. donc si vous êtes pour m'aider, je veux savoir certains de vos renseignements personnels tels que numéro de téléphone et l'âge et ce que vous faites. le genre de travail que vous faites au cas où vous n'êtes pas intéressé S'il vous plaît garder ce secret pour moi pour ma sécurité.

Mme Hania Usman

viernes, 20 de enero de 2012



I am Mr. KALED the son of Mr AL-HAZERI a retired general,politician and state contractor In libya, I got your contact through chambers of commerce and industry My father died during the recent political war in my country libya by the armed opposition group of president Maman Gaddafi , the new government now imposes on me to submit the list of foreign access of my late father, who has filed a total of 6.5,000,000 Euro in a security company knowing full well that the bank to bank transaction is not be possible in my country this days due to current political problems in Libya, for this purpose I decided to choose the security company as the next Alternative security option to transaction this money out.
Am contacting you with the current political situation in Libya because I know that your country is good for investment and bussiness in the world now. To this end I need your help to keep this money in your account including any other Confidental documents i will send to you for a good investment project, I would give you 20% of the sum mentioned above if you agree.Please, this transaction is 100% safe and has no connection with illegal operation,rather keep this as a top secret between you and me for my safety.

Thank you in advance

miércoles, 18 de enero de 2012


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Congratulation Once Again.
Warning:.Note: Any unclaimed prize will be returned to the treasury of COCA-COLA COMPANY . You are advised to keep your winning details strictly to yourself and not share it with any individual or firm to avoid confistication of your winning prize.

cuenta de correo pirateada.

Hoy tratando de entrar a mi correo personal abelvicenteecheverria@yahoo.es, que mantenia hace varios años, salio un mensaje que lo habian interceptado, es decir piratas o hackers, habian ingresado y enviado mensajes, de publicidad, que nunca envie, a todos los contactos, es decir piratearon la cuenta.

Lamento las posibles molestias, y un saludo a todos.

Saludos cordiales,

Abel Echeverria Matamoros.
Cell 086920604 


Date: Sat, 7 Jan 2012 20:15:41 +0000
From: abelvicenteecheverria@yahoo.es
Subject: RE: FW: Look I found interesting opportunity...
To: aalvarez@proceplas.com; aecheverria@agroproteccion.com; abelvicenteecheverria.pajaroloco@blogger.com; jcobros@cellshop.com.ec; a.echeverria@agroproteccion.com; a.echeverria@proficol.com.ec; abel.echeverria@conecta-ec.com; abelvicenteecheverria@hotmail.com; abelvicentecheverria@yahoo.es; acartera2@agroproteccion.com; viviana.rodriguez@adecco.com.ec; afreire@gye.satnet.net; agarciatoapanta@gmail.com; agro_rrhh@yahoo.es; alexandra@constructorachaw.com; seleccion.del.talentohumano@gmail.com; gramirez@almaceneslaganga.com; alvaro@agroproteccion.com; alvaro@ecuapack.com; rrhh@guimsa.com; amelia_jaramillo@hotmail.com; mfernandez_ope@americanlab.net; rrhh_ecu@americanlab.net; picolla2001@hotmail.com; recurso.humano.ecu@hotmail.com; antoniomartinez1952@hotmail.com; antoniomartinez1953@hotmail.com; selecciongt2009@yahoo.es

hi there...
I was starting to crack under pressure this is the best thing that ever happened to me I had reached my wits end. I started and never looked back
maybe this can help you

Cuenta de correo pirateada.

Hoy tratando de entrar a mi correo personal abelvicenteecheverria@yahoo.es, que mantenia hace varios años, salio un mensaje que lo habian interceptado, es decir piratas o hackers, habian ingresado y  enviado mensajes, de publicidad, que nunca envie, a todos los contactos,  es decir piratearon la cuenta.
Lamento las posibles molestias, y un saludo a todos.
Saludos cordiales,
Abel Echeverria Matamoros.
Cell 086920604 

Date: Sat, 7 Jan 2012 20:15:46 +0000
From: abelvicenteecheverria@yahoo.es
Subject: FWD: How are you!!
To: aalvarez@proceplas.com; aecheverria@agroproteccion.com; abelvicenteecheverria.pajaroloco@blogger.com; jcobros@cellshop.com.ec; a.echeverria@agroproteccion.com; a.echeverria@proficol.com.ec; abel.echeverria@conecta-ec.com; abelvicenteecheverria@hotmail.com; abelvicentecheverria@yahoo.es; acartera2@agroproteccion.com; viviana.rodriguez@adecco.com.ec; afreire@gye.satnet.net; agarciatoapanta@gmail.com; agro_rrhh@yahoo.es; alexandra@constructorachaw.com; seleccion.del.talentohumano@gmail.com; gramirez@almaceneslaganga.com; alvaro@agroproteccion.com; alvaro@ecuapack.com; rrhh@guimsa.com; amelia_jaramillo@hotmail.com; mfernandez_ope@americanlab.net; rrhh_ecu@americanlab.net; picolla2001@hotmail.com; recurso.humano.ecu@hotmail.com; antoniomartinez1952@hotmail.com

Hey Friend...

I felt pressure to be the bread winner for my family my life would still be miserable without this my options were fading fast! now im the most respected guy around
imagine the possibilities!

sábado, 7 de enero de 2012

FWD: How are you!!

Hey Friend...

I felt pressure to be the bread winner for my family my life would still be miserable without this my options were fading fast! now im the most respected guy around
imagine the possibilities!

RE: FW: Look I found interesting opportunity...

hi there...
I was starting to crack under pressure this is the best thing that ever happened to me I had reached my wits end. I started and never looked back
maybe this can help you