miércoles, 18 de enero de 2012

cuenta de correo pirateada.

Hoy tratando de entrar a mi correo personal abelvicenteecheverria@yahoo.es, que mantenia hace varios años, salio un mensaje que lo habian interceptado, es decir piratas o hackers, habian ingresado y enviado mensajes, de publicidad, que nunca envie, a todos los contactos, es decir piratearon la cuenta.

Lamento las posibles molestias, y un saludo a todos.

Saludos cordiales,

Abel Echeverria Matamoros.
Cell 086920604 


Date: Sat, 7 Jan 2012 20:15:41 +0000
From: abelvicenteecheverria@yahoo.es
Subject: RE: FW: Look I found interesting opportunity...
To: aalvarez@proceplas.com; aecheverria@agroproteccion.com; abelvicenteecheverria.pajaroloco@blogger.com; jcobros@cellshop.com.ec; a.echeverria@agroproteccion.com; a.echeverria@proficol.com.ec; abel.echeverria@conecta-ec.com; abelvicenteecheverria@hotmail.com; abelvicentecheverria@yahoo.es; acartera2@agroproteccion.com; viviana.rodriguez@adecco.com.ec; afreire@gye.satnet.net; agarciatoapanta@gmail.com; agro_rrhh@yahoo.es; alexandra@constructorachaw.com; seleccion.del.talentohumano@gmail.com; gramirez@almaceneslaganga.com; alvaro@agroproteccion.com; alvaro@ecuapack.com; rrhh@guimsa.com; amelia_jaramillo@hotmail.com; mfernandez_ope@americanlab.net; rrhh_ecu@americanlab.net; picolla2001@hotmail.com; recurso.humano.ecu@hotmail.com; antoniomartinez1952@hotmail.com; antoniomartinez1953@hotmail.com; selecciongt2009@yahoo.es

hi there...
I was starting to crack under pressure this is the best thing that ever happened to me I had reached my wits end. I started and never looked back
maybe this can help you

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